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Computer Repair Laptop Repair Visit Home

  • 25 May 2020, 11:11am
  • Views : 1591

Verified User
22 May 2020

Rs: 1,000

අදාළ අයිතමය පරික්ෂාවට හෝ විකුණුම්කරු මුණගැසීමට පෙර අන්තර්ජාලය, දුරකථන ජාල හා බැංකු ජාල හරහා මුදල් ගෙවීමෙන් වලකින්න.

Do not pay for the item on the internet, telephone networks or bank networks before checking out or checking the seller.


  • Type Repair / Maintenance


Need to completely repair your desktop or laptop at your home. We comes to your door steps to repair your pc at your place. One call quick response team.we are a computer repair no need to wait until single computer repair to finish the other job to be vacant at your job.our team is ready to be there
Please Note that we have the only practically best team with the best solutions
with more than 10 year experience in the field call us & make a appointment friendly Service
for our clients.
Network Cabling Office,Classes,Shops,Communication Make Network Groups & File Sharing With Wired & Wireless Data Sharing sharing & monitoring through network.Printer Sharing.Internet Access With Switch & Router Configurations, Cabling network
Prices Nego

call our technicians & we are there for your help/ no 1 help teams for your troubleshoots
desktop laptops all in one computers /Old ,Brand new,System Diagnosing
Check hard drive problems & check any hardware problems through softwares
fragment Computers make it fast
Locations Visit – Kotte, Battaramulla,Koswatta,Pelawatta,Malabe,Kaduwela,Thalawathugoda,Rathmalana,Kiribathgoda,Nugegoda,Kelaniya,Colombo 1,Colombo 2,Colombo 3,Colombo 4,Colombo 5, Colombo 6,Colombo 7,Colombo 8,Colombo 9,Colombo 10, etc

Easy four step
* Call us
* Viber or watz app the location
* Confirm the visit
* We are in time for your place

ඔබට අවශ්‍ය සියළුම පරිගණක උපාංග නිවසට ගෙනැවිත් සවිකිරීම කාර්්‍යක්ෂම ඉක්මන් සේවාව කාර්්‍යාල වලට පැමිණ දෝශ නිරීක්ෂනය. දැනටමත් අප හා සම්බන්ධ විශ්වාසනීය සේවා දායකයන් පිරිසක් ඉතා තෘප්තිමත්ව අප හා එක්ව ඇත
එය අප ඔබට පවසන්නේ ඉතාමත් සතුටිනි. ඔවුන් තෘප්තිමත් නම් අප තවත් ශක්තිමත්ව ඉදිරියටම යනු ඇත.වසර 10 ක වඩා සේවය
කැපවීම හා විශ්වාසදායී හා මිතුරු දායී ලෙස ඔබට පරිගණකයට අවශ්‍ය සියළු දේ කියාදීම
මෙන්ම පරිගණක නඩත්තුවෙන් පසුවද ඔබ මග නොහැර අවශ්‍ය සේවාවන් නොමිලේ ලබාදීම ඔන්ලයන් මොනිටරින් මගින් අප ඔබට සමීපව පරිගණක නඩත්තුව ඔබට පහසු මිළ හා සේවාස්ථාන හා නිවෙස් වලට පැමිණීම ඔීනෑම වේලාවක ඔබට සේවය ළබාදීමට අප ඔබ සිටින තැනට පැමිනෙන්නෙමු

Display Problem no display issue
Battery Replacement
Power button issues (micro switch)
Broken hinge
Ram card issues
Restart issue
Motherboard replacement
Web cam issues using pc ( viber /Skype)
Network on board port issues
Sound port onboard issue
Wireless card issues
Keyboard replacement
Software issues
No driver issues
Hard drive solw or freez
Other third part software issue
We solve them all no problem we fix it all call now for Pc kade e-smart team our riders will be soon in time for your any issue.
Easy four step
* Call us
* Viber or watz app the location
* Confirm the visit
* We are in time for your place

Computer Formatting with xp,7,8,10 os and other 3rd party softwares
Computer formatting with latest os office packages & other softwares.
special soft ware installation for Graphic designers (Photoshop,Coreldraw,Illustrator)
Auto cad installation for engineers & planers
Virus Guard installation to protect pcs ,laptop
Video editing soft for editors (After effect, 3D MAX) etc
Office packages for offices.
Any kind of formatting & computer servicing site or home visit windows xp,vista,7.8,8.1,10 any kind of office package version 2003,2007,2010,2013,2016 and other software 3rd party

True Pics Attached
call us now (PC Kade E-Smart)